Morrison Named To Summer Study Committee On Utilities

STATEHOUSE  — State Rep. Alan Morrison (R-Brazil) was recently selected to serve on the Interim Study Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications.

Morrison said in the upcoming months, the committee will examine the enforcement of the Indiana Telephone Solicitation Act, regulation of automatic dialing machines and continuing changes in technology related to robocalls, telephone solicitation and cyber-security.

“During committee meetings, we will hear from experts, as well as members of the public on various telecommunications topics,” Morrison said. “The discussions we have in this collaborative setting can lead to possible legislation next year.”

Morrison said interim study committee hearings, which typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, can be viewed live online This site also provides committee calendars and meeting agendas. Members of the public are welcomed to attend and testify.

The list of 2018 interim study committee assignments and other legislative appointments can be found here.