ISU Board Of Trustees Approves Higher Tuition

TERRE HAUTE, Ind – The Indiana State University Board of Trustees approved a new tuition and fees schedule and operating budgets at its meeting Friday.


Tuition for an in-state full-time undergraduate student will increase 1.65 percent to $4,518 a semester in 2019-20, a $73 uptick per semester over last year. The cost for the same student in 2020-21 is $4,593 per semester, a $115 increase that includes a $40 health and wellness fee proposed by the ISU Student Government Association (SGA).


The fee for the Student Rec Center remains unchanged at $100 per semester.


Indiana State University strives to maintain an affordable opportunity for students pursuing a quality higher education experience,” said President Deborah Curtis. “In partnership with these efforts, we work very hard to provide the support and services that help keep students on the path to completing an ISU degree. We will continue to limit increases in cost to our students, as much as possible, by way of enhanced efficiencies and strategic fiscal management.”


Trustees received public comments at a tuition hearing on June 5. Incoming SGA president Madison Longyear spoke in support of the proposed health and wellness fee. Last spring, students voted in favor of a referendum to add a $75 fee, which would be used to increase mental health services and prevention programming.


A reduced fee of $40 was approved by the board of trustees, as it was determined after further analysis that a reduced per-semester fee allows the university to maintain its commitment to affordability and assist in meeting Sycamores’ health and wellness needs.


Revenue projected for the 2019-20 General Fund budget totals $188,946,000, as compared to $195,300,000 in 2018-19, said Diann McKee, senior vice president of finance and administration and treasurer for Indiana State. The change in revenue comes primarily from a general student fee increase for resident and nonresident students, a decrease in projected tuition revenue and an increase in operating appropriation.


The state’s net operating appropriation, inclusive of a student success line item, increased by $3,085,490 from the 2018-19 level. The 2017 Indiana General Assembly appropriated a separate allocation of $2,350,000 dedicated to student success initiatives that was built into the base operating appropriation beginning in the 2019-20 fiscal year.


Overall, student tuition represents 51.8 percent of the total general fund revenues, and 43.7 percent comes from state appropriations, including operating and academic debt service appropriations.


“An increase in state support through the Performance Funding Formula, internal budget adjustments and a modest increase in tuition allows the university to continue to provide a quality education for Hoosier students,” McKee said. “We are grateful for the continued support by the Indiana General Assembly and in particular our local legislators, who are tremendous advocates for Indiana State University.”


Indiana State’s 2019-20 operating budget contains a projected 1.5 percent across-the-board increase for employees with good performance. Criteria for any salary adjustments will be determined once enrollment numbers are known for the fall 2019 semester and an assessment of overall budgetary conditions has been made.


The budget also reflects a 1.5 percent increase in student wages and a 2 percent increase in university scholarships.


In other business, the board:


• Authorized university officials to secure approval of the final plan of financing for the sale of Indiana State University Housing and Dining System Revenue Bond, Series 2019. Trustees previously approved a $16,800,000 renovation of Sycamore Dining as the final phase of a comprehensive renovation of the Sycamore Towers complex. Funding for the project is from dining capital reserves and bond proceeds.


Renovations are underway with a completion date of spring 2020. All state approvals have been secured with the final plan of financing, subject to the approval of the Indiana Finance Authority and state budget director.


The Housing and Dining System Revenue Bond Series 2019 also includes the current refunding of Series 2009B resulting in a savings of $400,804. The par amount of the refunded bonds is $7,400,000 in principal that matures from April 1, 2020, to April 1, 2027. The refunding does not extend the life of the debt.


• Approved a request to seek authorization for the following projects totaling $1,504,289 from state’s repair and rehabilitation appropriation as follows:

Root Hall roof replacement $1,200,000; Holmstedt Hall roof and flashing repairs $50,000; building system repairs $50,000; masonry restoration $154,289; sidewalk repairs $50,000.


• Recognized the service of Trustees David C. Campbell and Andrew Case, whose terms are ending this month. Campbell has served on the board since 2011, and has served as its chair (2015 to 2018), vice chair (2014 to 2015) and secretary (2012 to 2014). Case has served as the student trustee from 2017 to 2019.


• Approved the slate of Board of Trustees officers for 2019-2020, effective July 1, as follows:

·      Chair: Jeff Taylor

·      Vice Chair: Kathleen Cabello

·      Secretary: Kim Smith

·      Assistant Secretary: Edward Pease

·      University Treasurer: Diann McKee

·      Trustee to serve as ex-officio member of the ISU Foundation Board: Smith

·      Smith will additionally chair the Finance Committee, with Randall Minas and Taylor serving as members.


The board is scheduled to meet next for its annual retreat Aug. 1-2 in Indianapolis.