Relief Bill Had Hoosier Support


WASHINGTON, D.C.–The relief bill has passed both the U.S. Senate and House. The bill passed the House with a voice vote Friday afternoon, and with support from Hoosier representatives.

Rep. Jim Banks

“It’s time for Congress to…bring relief to our neighbors who needed help yesterday. It’s time for us to pass the CARES Act,” said Rep. Jim Banks (R), during debate. “It will keep the lights on in America. It will put cash in the hands of Americans who need help to pay their bills and put food on the table. And it will give a lifeline to small businesses when they need it most.”

Banks indicated that he’d like a door open for later modification.

“This is by no means a perfect bill, but it gets help to the people who need it most. I hope we will come back and make changes in the weeks and months to come.”

Andre Carson

Rep. Andre Carson (D), said he is honored to support a bill that will provide direct payments to Hoosiers, help small businesses, large businesses and hospitals, expand unemployment benefits and keep people from being evicted.

“This comprehensive legislation provides an unprecedented $2 trillion dollars to help our families, workers, and small businesses deal with this pandemic’s challenge to our health and our economy. And House Democrats worked to ensure this legislation prioritizes every day Americans and the people most in need of assistance,” he said.

Rep. Jim Baird (R) also supported the bill.

Rep. Jim Baird


“People are suffering by no fault of their own. They are unable to go to work and are unsure when they will return. Small business owners are doing everything possible to stay afloat while keeping their employees. This bold legislation intends to give some certainty to families, workers, and small business owners,” he said.

Rep. Larry Bucshon, also a medical doctor, said he supported the bill and gave it a “yea” vote.

Rep. Larry Bucshon

This relief package puts Americans first with aid for families, workers, small business owners, and health care providers on the front lines working tirelessly to save our friends, neighbors, and family members. We are giving America a fighting chance to both get through this health care crisis and save Main Street jobs that so many families depend on.”




Cover Image by Phillip Roulain from Pixabay