INDIANAPOLIS — As of Saturday morning, 7,435 Indiana residents are known to have contracted the novel coronavirus, including 537 additional cases reported Saturday. More than 39,000 test results have been reported to ISDH. A total of 330 Hoosiers have died.
As the number of novel coronavirus cases continues to rise, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) is partnering with local health officials in four communities to hold free drive-thru testing clinics for healthcare workers, first responders and essential workers who have symptoms of COVID-19.
Clinics will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 13-17 at the following locations:
- CK Newsome Community Center, 100 E. Walnut St., Evansville
- Ivy Tech, 3800 N. Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne
- St. Timothy Community Church, 1600 W. 25th Ave., Gary
- Ivy Tech, 8204 Hwy 311, Sellersburg
Participants should bring a driver’s license or other State of Indiana-issued identification card and documentation of place of employment. Only symptomatic individuals will be tested. Tests will be conducted as long as supplies last and will be limited to one individual per vehicle.
Essential workers are those identified by Governor Eric J. Holcomb’s executive order (https://bit.ly/2UQxqVt).
A list of counties with cases is included on the ISDH COVID-19 dashboard at www.coronavirus.in.gov.