INDIANAPOLIS—A new food distribution program is available to help Hoosiers who do not have the food they need during the coronavirus pandemic.
“ISDH received approval from the Disaster Distribution Program that now allows Hoosiers who have experienced significant financial losses to receive a 25 pound box of food from a participating food bank or pantry,” says Indiana State Health Commissioner Kris Box.

Families in Indiana will be able to get food from those banks and pantries through the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) through May 14. Hoosiers going through serious economic loss due to the coronavirus will be given priority.
In Marion County, Indianapolis Public School buses, community centers, and Gleaners’ drive-thru food bank will be used to make sure people have easy access to food.
For more information, go to wic.in.gov or find a food pantry near you by using Indiana’s food assistance map on in.gov.
Cover Image by biohazardlos92 from Pixabay