Surgeon General Expects Some Setbacks When Reopening Economy


WASHINGTON–Expect there to be setbacks with the coronavirus in some places with the economy slowly reopening, says U.S. Surgeon General and former Indiana State Health Commissioner Jerome Adams.

“But one of the criteria (of the new guidelines) is making sure you have the ability to quickly detect these setbacks and respond to them so one case doesn’t become a thousand cases. Then we can shut things down if we need to in the places we need to,” Adams said on “Fox and Friends” Friday morning.

Dr. Jerome Adams, Indiana’s former state health commissioner who is now the U.S. Surgeon General

President Trump’s plan recommends reopening the country based on the severity of the outbreak in each state or region, with governors developing their own formulas for successfully reopening.

“The President was clear yesterday on the phone call with governors. I was on this call. We are not going to tell these states when to reopen. That’s got to be at a comfort level with the governors, their healthcare systems, and with the people of their state,” Adams said.

With these guidelines, Trump said that at this point governors can reopen their states tomorrow if they felt it necessary, but continues to stress the basics: good hygiene and staying home if you’re sick. They also urge governors to put rules in place for employers who would be reopening their businesses.

“(The guidelines) are deliberate, measured, and really based on taking a data-driven approach to letting people all across the country know how they can reopen safely,” Adams said.


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash