31 New COVID-19 Related Deaths, 394 New Cases

04-22-20 COVID stats


INDIANAPOLIS —The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) today (4/22/20) announced that 394 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19.That brings to 12,438 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

The Department of Health said that the new cases and new tests reported today are lower than expected due to a technology issue and should not be interpreted as a decline in new infections.

A total of 661 Hoosiers have died to date.

To date, 69,470 tests have been reported to ISDH, up from 67,264 on Tuesday.

Marion County had the most new cases, at 97. Other counties with more than 10 new cases were Cass (31), Hamilton (12), Lake (72), Porter (10) and St. Joseph (21). The Lake County totals include results from East Chicago and Gary, which have their own health departments.

The complete list of counties with cases is included in the ISDH COVID-19 dashboard at coronavirus.in.gov.

04-22-20 ICU Stars

Cover Image by muhammad rizky klinsman from Pixabay

04-22-20 cases
04-22-20 cases
04-22-20 deaths
04-22-20 death demos