Western Boone FFA Helping Those In Need With “Milk & Meat” Campaign


THORNTOWN, Ind.–The Western Boone FFA is helping farmers and people who may not have enough food. The organization calls it their “Milk and Meat” campaign. Teenagers in the FFA chapter are raising money to buy food from farmers in the county and donating it to people whose incomes are being affected by coronavirus.

“It has impacted their lives, their jobs, their income. So, food might be an issue. We do not want anyone to go hungry,” FFA chapter vice president Breanna Wiley, told Inside Indiana Business.

She said farmers have always been an inspiration to her and she wants to help them now that they are unable to sell some of their products because of lower demand.

“As they’re struggling I think this is our time to stand up and do what we can to help them return,” she said.

The chapter donated $1,000 to get the campaign started. IIB reports the teenagers have raised over $6,000, with a goal of $7,500. The money goes to food banks so it can be properly distributed.

“By purchasing these milk and meat products from different farms and producers, we’re not only helping them stay afloat in their businesses, but we’re also helping hungry people in our community.”