Senator Braun Talks About Run For Governor


WASHINGTON — Sen Mike Braun of Indiana said he filed the paperwork Tuesday to put himself in a position to run for governor of Indiana.

That officially makes him the third Republican candidate to file a run for governor come 2024. Braun joins Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch on the ballot and Fort Wayne businessman Eric Doden.

Braun told Fox News on Wednesday that his time in Congress has made him realize that little progress on what he wants to see happen in the US has taken place and he feels he can do a better job of that on the state level.

“Everything I’ve observed, it’s going to take a real house cleaning (of Congress),” said Braun. “We’ll get it done eventually, but I think most of the solutions are going to come from governors. My time is too valuable to see this place go deeper in the hole.”

Braun was also asked about who he would back to succeed him in the U.S. Senate, especially with former governor and vice president Mike Pence’s name being floated as a possible candidate if he decides not to run for president in 2024.

“I’d ideally like to get someone who comes from outside the farm system of politics,” Braun said of a possible Pence run. “Career politicians that normally staff us. That’s where I came from.”

Braun said most congressional lawmakers have lost sight of what they are supposed to do in Congress, representing their constituents.