Indianapolis, In. – Yesterday 103 Indiana Farm families were presented Hoosier Farmstead Awards at the Indiana State Fair. To be named a Hoosier Homestead, farms must be owned by the same family for more than 100 consecutive years, and consist of 20 acres or more, or produce more than $1,000 in agricultural products per year. Based on the age of the farm, families are eligible for three different distinctions of award. They can receive the Centennial Award for 100 years, Sesquicentennial Award for 150 years or Bicentennial Award for 200 years of ownership. During the ceremonies, two farms is Clay County received awards. The Hofmann (Modesitt) farm established in 1881 received the Centennial award and the Hofmann (Unger) farm established in 1865 received the Centennial & Sesquicentennial award and in Vigo County the Chickadaunce farm established in 1913 was awarded the Centennial award.