Terre Haute, In. – It’s gone viral on Social Media that the benches outside the Vigo County Public Library were removed by the city in an attempt to keep members of Terre Haute’s homeless population from hanging out and sleeping on them. The fact is the city doesn’t own the benches…the library does. The library’s public relations manager Shaleena Barker says the benches are under repair and they will only be gone temporarily. It’s not known how long the repair will take but the benches will “absolutely will return.” As for the city’s homeless population Terre Haute mayor Brandon Sakbun says, “the city has been working to address the homelessness issue with resources such as affordable housing and recovery centers. Facilitating an offense by working with individuals and getting them back home to their families, getting them basic healthcare if needed, or referring them to some of our many mental health organizations here in the community.”