Sullivan County, In. – Saturday morning two hunters notified the Sullivan County Sheriff Department that while they were in the woods hunting their truck was stolen from a field. While they were talking to the Deputy the truck was seen heading south down a road east of them. The Deputy took off to overtake the truck. He found it crashed into a bridge. The man driving was identified as Steven McIntyre was critically injured. He was flown to an Evansville hospital. The Deputies then got a call about another man walking down the road near the crash. When police found the man, he was identified as Kile Jones was wanted in Indianapolis. He resisted and wrestled with the Deputies when they tried to cuff him. The Driver of the tow truck that was responding to the crashed truck jumped out of his tow truck and helped the deputies subdue Jones. During the investigation they found out that the two were planning to break into a home after they stole the truck. The charges against McIntyre have not been released. Jones has been charged with several charges including Battery Against a Public Safety Official, Theft, Auto Theft, Resisting Law Enforcement, Intimidation and Disorderly Conduct