Terre Haute, In. – Gibraltar Designs was commissioned by the Vigo County School Corporation to do a feasibility study for future consideration. On Monday Gibraltar presented a facility report. Some information contained in the report includes the average age of all VCSC Schools is 43 years old. The newest middle school, Sarah Scott, was built 26 years ago. The newest elementary schools are 21 years old — Franklin, Fayette and Sugar Creek Consolidated. Gibraltar’s report says the scope of work needed is “heavy” at the three main high schools; Woodrow Wilson and West Vigo middle schools; and DeVaney, Ouabache, Rio Grande and Sugar Grove elementary schools. Funding for any facility upgrades is a major concern with the property tax caps, which limits funds available for school maintenance, and the need for referendums to fund major facility projects including new buildings. Some of the possible options for funding may not be known until after the 2025 General Assembly concludes. A bill has passed out of the Senate, and is now in the House, would create a local oversight board and facilitate potential use of county funds for Vigo County School Corp. facility improvements.