On this Policy and Politics with Dave Crooks, Dave's special guest is Brandon Sakbun Democratic nominee for Mayor of Terre Haute. Brandon faces 4 term Republican Mayor Duke Bennett.


On this week’s episode of Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks, former Mayor of Sullivan, Clint Lamb joins me. Clint is now the Field Services Manager of AIM, Accelerate Indiana Municipalities. Learn more how AIM helps Hoosier Communities.


On this Policy & Politics our guest is Dr. David Sanders. Purdue professor, scientist and West Lafayette City Councilman and founder of the grassroots group Stop The Water Steal shares his concerns about the long-term effects to the water supply in our region.


On this episode of Policy & Politics, listen to highlights of our interview with James Hoffa, the son of Brazil, IN native Jimmy Hoffa. The former Teamsters International President talks about the Legacy of his father and the importance of standing up for workers rights.
