VIGO COUNTY- Many gathered inside of the Fayette Elementary Gym with questions about what is going on with their community. With the announcement that the EPA is allowing for draft carbon storage permits for the Wabash Valley resources carbon sequestration project, citizens and groups were able to speak out and voice their issues. The EPA’s plan is to issue two carbon storage injection well permits in order to create an ammonia fertilizer production facility in Indiana. This means that carbon would be captured, liquified, and permanently stored nearly a mile into the ground. Groups such as the Citizens Action Coalition have been protesting this project and they were in attendance yesterday.
Executive Director of the coalition Kerwin Olson, who is against the project, said, “This is a bad deal for property owners, this is a bad deal for the environment, and this is an incredibly risky project for the folks of west central Indiana.”
Many others are questioning the environmental impact of the project. Wabash Valley Resources was available for questions during the forum. One of the biggest draws for the project is the building’s ability to be repurposed for things other than carbon sequestration.
Overall the event drew a lot of attention from local citizens and groups. The decision for Wabash Valley Resources to hold this open forum was voluntary by the organization. the group had a full presentation ahead of a session of open comment. The feeling amongst crowd was still full of uncertainty and unrest by the end of the night.