First Cracker Barrel Session of 2025 Held Saturday


Terre Haute, In. – The first Cracker Barrel session of the year was held Saturday at the Vigo County Public Library.  Legislators attending were. State Rep. Bruce Borders, R-Jasonville; Rep. Bob Heaton, R-Terre Haute; Rep. Tonya Pfaff, D-Terre Haute, and Sen. Greg Goode, R-Terre Haute. One of the topics discussed was House Bull 1136 that proposes that any school district in which more than 50% of students who live within its boundaries are enrolled in a school not operated by the district must be dissolved. Its schools would be transitioned to charter schools, with appointed boards. Rep. Pfaff said she opposes HB 1136. “The hardest part for me is eliminating school boards, which play such a vital role in our communities. We have access to school board members.” Rep. Heaton said the bill pertains to just five Hoosier school districts, including Indianapolis Public Schools and Gary Public Schools. “It doesn’t pertain to west central Indiana.” He said charter schools have been around for more than 20 years in Indiana, and Democrats supported charter school legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Frank O’Bannon in 2001.