Terre Haute, In. – A man wanted for attempted murder was found in Wisconsin on January 8th. On December 26th Terre Haute Police responded to shots fired in the area of South Center and Seabury. When they arrived, they found two brothers had been wounded. One victim was grazed and was taken to the hospital in Terre Haute to be treated. The other was more seriously wounded and was airlifted to Indianapolis. Witnesses told the officers the shooter had fled before they arrived. As they investigated, they found empty shells and bullet holes in the apartment. The brothers told police they were supposed to meet 19-year-old Jaquincee Burns when they arrived, he allegedly ambushed them and opened fire. An arrest warrant was issued for Burns and with the help of the U.S. Marshalls Task Force he was found and arrested in Wisconsin on January 8th. He has since been transferred to Vigo County to face charges of attempted murder and criminal recklessness.