Terre Haute, In. – Early Monday morning a Vigo County Sheriff Deputy pulled over a car near U.S. 41 and Allendale for a routine traffic stop. The car was occupied by the driver Monique Peach, 38, Vincennes, and Brian Riker, 53, Plainfield. During the stop the deputy had probable cause to call in a K9 unit for assistance. The K-9 alerted on drugs in the car. A search turned up 131 grams of methamphetamine, 22 grams of THC gummies, $11,220 in cash and one handgun along with ammunition. Peach was charged with unlawful carry of a handgun, possession of a firearm by a domestic batterer, dealing in methamphetamine possession of methamphetamine and possession of a schedule one controlled substance. Riker was charged with dealing in methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine.