Braun Says Decision To Re-Open Economy Is Up To Governors


WASHINGTON, D.C.–It will be up to the governors of each state to decide when their economy re-opens, said Sen. Mike Braun. Pres. Trump said this week that he will make that decision.

“Legally and constitutionally that will unfurl through the governors,” said Braun, a Republican. “But, I believe he is being the spokesman in general. The leader of the country sets the stage for what he’s gonna hope the governors do.”

Braun acknowledged that under the Constitution there can be no national mandate about shutting down or opening up the economy.

“I think he (Trump) is gonna be the guy that sets the stage. It’ll be up to the governors to follow suit.”

Braun said his hope is that the re-opening is not subject to partisan politics.

“I think we did our job at the federal government level. The next moves need to be made by smart re-openings led by each governor and advised by the chief advsor in DC, Pres. Trump,” said Braun.

In describing what he calls a “smart opening”, Braun said he believes taking what society has learned about the disease and incorporating what works in protecting against it, should be applied in the least densely populated areas first, to get those areas “back on track”.

He said he believes the president’s task force on the economic re-opening will be effective in advising state leaders because it will include business leaders and entrepreneurs in addition to people from government.