Natalie Sutton, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Indiana,  talks about Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Sutton discussed how to recognize and how to help those who suffer and those who help and care for those who suffer.




Shelley Klingerman talks about her new book, 'Vigilance.' It is the Savvy Women's Guide To Personal Safety, Self Protection Measures and Counter Measures.




Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce President, Kristin Craig, talks about her first few months as the new President and all of the exciting things coming up for the Chamber.


Tim Maniscalo with the BBB talks about kids being scammed on homework web scams. Don't fall for a scam to update your travel documents. Gift card scams are on the rise. And be careful of a free trial offer that wants your credit card it may be hard to get the recurring charges to stop
