Tim Maniscalo with the BBB talks about kids being scammed on homework web scams. Don't fall for a scam to update your travel documents. Gift card scams are on the rise. And be careful of a free trial offer that wants your credit card it may be hard to get the recurring charges to stop


May is National Mental Health Month. Dave Crooks interviews Melvin Burks, CEO of Hamilton Center and Meghan Creech, Chief of Utility Service at Hamilton Center. They discuss how to understand the signs of those experiencing mental health challenges.


Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses how Indiana is dealing with the pandemic regarding the economy, jobs, health care and how is it affecting agriculture and the state budget.


Marsha Miller and Bionca Gambill from the League of Women Voters spoke about the Women's Equality Day March on August 27th on the campus of Indiana State University.
