Tim Maniscalo with the Better Business Bureau talks about recent online purchase scams, what the biggest risks are in the wake of COVID-19, fake post office job help listings, and other scams.
Focus on the Community: BBB on Online Purchase Scams
Tim Maniscalo with the Better Business Bureau talks about recent online purchase scams, what the biggest risks are in the wake of COVID-19, fake post office job help listings, and other scams.
On this Focus on the Community, we speak with Ryan Penrod, Chief Executive Officer of the YMCA of the Wabash Valley.
Ask Rose Director, Susan Smith-Rhodes, explains what the program is and how it can help your kids in school with their math and science homework.
Allisyn Gillet, Indiana DNR Ornithologist, talks about what is making our songbirds sick and why you should take in your bird feeders.