Sharon Kerry, Executive Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center, talks about who they are, what they do and how they serve men and women both young and old.


Tim Maniscalo President/CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central Indiana discussed back to school and how shoppers need to be aware of scam websites.  He also discussed how some birth certificate websites don't deliver.

If you need help, be careful what number you call you may not get the real Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc.

He also discussed how a work from home reshipping scam is fooling job seekers.


On this episode of Focus on the Community we speak about the upcoming Polar Plunge that benefits the Indiana Special Olympics.


Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses how the 2020 elections went in Indiana and what is coming up in the next political session. She also discusses what has been happening locally in Terre Haute in 2020 and what is to come next for the area.
