The Indiana General Assembly approved a project by Wabash Valley Resources, LLC to construct a Billion dollar facility north of Terre Haute designed to manufacture Fertilizer and collect and capture carbon and store it in the ground in our area. They also plan to build an 11 mile pipeline and may need to use eminent domain to secure easements. Many residents are opposed to the project and have attended recent meetings in New Goshen and Universal.

On this Policy and Politics with Dave Crooks, guests are Kerwin Olson of the Citizens Action Coalition and Clate CT Sanquenetti a local resident and creator of Concerned Citizens against Wabash Valley Resources. Learn more about this controversial project from those opposed.


On this Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks is State Senator Shelli Yoder (D) of Bloomington. Learn more about Indiana’s restrictive abortion law and the problems the new law has created for Hoosier women


On this Policy & Politics, Dave Crooks speaks with Senator Greg Goode who was recently sworn in as state senator for District 38.


On this week’s episode of Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks, my guest is Ed Sein of Boonville. Sein is a Democratic candidate for United States Representative in Indiana’s 8th District.
