A busy week in Hoosier Politics. Former WTHR Political Reporter Kevin Rader joins Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks to discuss Mike Pence dropping out of the race for POTUS, a new Speaker of the House, Trump endorses Braun for Governor, and the death of former IU Coach Bob Knight.


On this week’s episode of Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks, my guest is Brad Chambers, Republican for Indiana Governor.


On this Policy & Politics with Dave Crooks, should Indiana join Illinois, Michigan and other states who have made Cannabis legal? A Town Hall style meeting will be held in Washington, IN on Wednesday, October 11th, 7pm EDT at the National Guard Armory to discuss legalization. Our guests are organizing this meeting; Shelley Macdonald and Eric Walford.


On this episode of Policy & Politics, listen to highlights of our interview with James Hoffa, the son of Brazil, IN native Jimmy Hoffa. The former Teamsters International President talks about the Legacy of his father and the importance of standing up for workers rights.
